Say goodbye
Autor: Sanctus Real  |  Album: Fight The Tide  |  Tematica: A doua venire
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1. So say goodbye 'cause you'll be leaving soon
I know it's hard, and I'll be missing you
I know it's time to say goodbye

2. I know the road, has worn You down
You never broke, you always held your ground
But now it's time to say goodbye

R: Say goodbye
Say goodbye

3. And though you're gone I remember now the time we shared,
Your words still ring out
You're never far, you're in my heart

C: Someday we'll meet again
'Cause that's how the story goes
It's so hard to say goodbye
Say goodbye

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Romani 8:11 Şi dacă Duhul Celui ce a înviat pe Isus dintre cei morţi locuieşte în voi, Cel ce a înviat pe Hristos Isus din morţi va învia şi trupurile voastre muritoare din pricina Duhului Său, care locuieşte în voi.