Your number 1 priority in life
Autor: Dorina Madaras  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Voia lui Dumnezeu
Resursa adaugata de Dorina1980 in 22/12/2016
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Often our actions contradict our words. We say God is number ONE, but then we move Him down on our "to do" list! People who are more concerned with their own needs than with doing God's will, as a result, will suffer God's wrath! I urge us all, to reorder our priorities in accordance with God's will. What God has told us to do, we must put all else aside and obey Him!

Although many begin with the right attitudes, many slip back into wrong behavior, and the work of God comes to a standstill. We need to be on guard to keep our priorities straight, remain active in our service to God and continue to put Him first in everything!

It is easy to make other priorities more important than doing God's work, but God wants us to follow through and build up His Kingdom. We must not stop nor make excuses, but rather set our heart on what is godly and do it! We must get our priorities straight!

May the Lord help us! God bless you all!

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