For the glory of Your name
Autor: Michelle Tumes  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
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God, You keep us without failing
As You watch us from above
In our comings and our goings
Sheltered by Your precious love
In the pouring rain of mercy
Comes the grace by which we're saved
For the glory of Your Name
For the glory of Your Name

You have touched our lives forever
Can we be the same again?
May our hearts be ever faithful
Ever faithful as a friend
Let us live that we may serve You
Overflowing with Your praise
For the glory of Your name
For the glory of Your name

We behold the Man of Sorrows
Hanging there upon a cross
Where we wounded One so holy
Yet these wounds are life to us
For the blood You shed was perfect
And You finished work we made
For the glory of Your name
For the glory of Your name
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Romani 8:11 Şi dacă Duhul Celui ce a înviat pe Isus dintre cei morţi locuieşte în voi, Cel ce a înviat pe Hristos Isus din morţi va învia şi trupurile voastre muritoare din pricina Duhului Său, care locuieşte în voi.