Bless the Lord
Autor: Youth Alive  |  Album: Awake  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
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1. To you my love, my joy, my song
I lift my voice, my heart and soul
In worship

2. As eagles soar across the sky
So my spirit reaches high
Toward you

R: As the deer pants for the water so
My soul cries for you
As a child has rest in arms of love
So I rest in you

3. You are the great and mighty
Risen lord my king of glory
Oh my soul bless the lord

4. You reign in strength and power
Awesome god my strong tower
Oh my soul bless the lord

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Daniel 3:18 Şi, chiar de nu ne va scoate, să ştii, împărate, că nu vom sluji dumnezeilor tăi şi nici nu ne vom închina chipului de aur pe care l-ai înălţat!”