I believe in You now
Autor: Michael W. Smith  |  Album: Live The Life  |  Tematica: Diverse
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Once upon a time I was faithless, running blind
Thru the Valley of the Lost
So now you find it rather strange
When you hear me claim the name
Of the one who bears the cross

And I say I believe in You now
A new light is showing me how I
used to walk in the shadows of doubt
But I believe in you now

Will there ever come a day
When you follow in the way
Of the truth that sets you free
To where the thunder of a voice
And the echo of a choice
Will bring you to your knees

No longer running thru the night
A conversion to the light
Giving way to disbelief
And you say

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Romani 8:11 Şi dacă Duhul Celui ce a înviat pe Isus dintre cei morţi locuieşte în voi, Cel ce a înviat pe Hristos Isus din morţi va învia şi trupurile voastre muritoare din pricina Duhului Său, care locuieşte în voi.