God Be with You till We Meet Again
Autor: Jeremiah E. Rankin  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 04/10/2007
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1. God be with you till we meet again,
By His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.

1. Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet;
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.

2. God be with you till we meet again,
’Neath His wings securely hide you,
Daily manna still provide you,
God be with you till we meet again.

3. God be with you till we meet again,
When life’s perils thick confound you,
Put His arms unfailing round you,
God be with you till we meet again.

4. God be with you till we meet again,
Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
Smite death’s threat’ning wave before you,
God be with you till we meet again
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Romani 8:11 Şi dacă Duhul Celui ce a înviat pe Isus dintre cei morţi locuieşte în voi, Cel ce a înviat pe Hristos Isus din morţi va învia şi trupurile voastre muritoare din pricina Duhului Său, care locuieşte în voi.