Praise The Lord!
Autor: George Petre - Becky
Album: luminita
Categorie: Copii
Praise The Lord!

I will praise The Lord
Always and every day,
I will never get bored
When I sing or when I pray.

If I sing and pray,
I will be blessed
He will wash my sins away,
And my heart won*t be a mess...

My heart will be clean
He will make me wise
He knows what I*ve seen,
I will now say no lies!...

Now I will praise him
I shall say no lies
He washed away my sins
So praise Him! He is wise!


Becky are 10 ani. Poezia îi apartine ei in totalitate...
Puteti sa-i lasati un mesaj de incurajare!
O zi buna cu Domnul ISUS!
g.p. - chicago
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